aveyond rhen's quest walkthrough

Now head towards the middle passage. Enter and destroy the pendant you see before your eyes. There you can dig up the dirt pile to find a cassia leaf. After walking for some time you will find a mule express and an elven city called Ylisfar. Talk to the book dealer inside the house, he will give you a quest to gather all the arcane magic pages of a book. You will find a horse carriage parked there. Ignore the cave for now and climb up the stairs. The location of this goodie is shown in the screenshot below. Grazila Bring sludgemaster 2000 (side quest no. Enter the cat-Tidbits mushroom house and he will give you a quest (side quest no.10). Open the chest there to find 3500 gold pennies. Exit the cavern and open the chest to find bronze sword. a:1:i:0;a:2:s:13:section_title;s:12:Aveyond Tips;s:12:section_body;s:111293:. Solve dozens of adventure puzzles and explore an enchanting world. Carry on to the other end of the cave while picking up the apple from the chest on your way. Exit his house and enter the squirrels hideout. Get back one screen and exit that cave. Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest Ejindro is a ghost town in the world of Aveyond. Enter that cave to find serpent amulet from a chest. We will come back to it. Released: 24-Jan-2008, File Size: 2.19 MB. You are transported near another cave. Now follow the path on your front from the entrance till you see a chest (contains haunch). While replaying you will know that what would happen if you talk to someone which can trigger some unexpected events, so you may like to finish the other quests before you proceed. Pick it up and return to Rootwell. Read the paper on the small table. Walk northwards, climb two ladders, avoid the hole and walk up to the cave entrance. The squirrels will give you three sticks of dynamite with which you can blow up some cracked walls in different places: One of the walls will yield the absolute zero spell scroll (located in the highlands) which you can use only once in a battle. Use the torch to melt the frozen magic clock and retrieve it. Get back to the door entrance and walk to your right this time. Exit, collect 50 pennies from the chest and then enter the cave to your right. A bit further down you will find a cave. Things could be worse. Walk back to the entrance of the memory caverns and take the northern path, which will lead to another exit. 3) Use your newly bought boat to travel to Lands End. Watch the event. Dont explore the mines for now. Cross the bridge and exit through the cave passage. The woman will give you a side quest (side quest no.26). One of the shelves in a house yields a book page. Come back to him later for more items. Enter your room (the second from the extreme right) and open the chest. If you chose level goody then you will find that the levels of your active party members have increased by 30. Now there are two uses of this statue. File Size: 45.6 KB, Released: 24-Jan-2008. We will get back to her later. Keep walking till you reach a cave entrance. Follow the southern path to reach a house. Since youve discovered the magic kettle from the Blasted Lands, now you can return to Veldt and give it to the alchemist. Talk to goodwife Lonna, she will trigger another quest. Open the chest to your left to get a covey balm. Enter the third hut and talk to the man behind the bars. Cash cow: obtain the cash cow in the following spot marked with the white circle: This cow gives you 10000 gold pennies each time you talk to it!!! But there is no reward for it. Talk to everyone here and explore thoroughly. Take it and enter the cave of Clearwater (the place where Rhen got kidnapped by the slave trader). Increase Speed-Use this goody to get the speed crystal & increase the speed of your characters. The locusts are roaming in the farm, press the action button or enter when you confront any of them and fight them. Climb up the ladder onto the next area. Talk to the squirrels, you will find birds seed in a corner. The game's main antagonist, he plots from his realm attempting to destroy Rhen and Aveyond to take control of the world. In order to get the good deed done you need bee wax and mirror. Quest complete. From the cave entrance (4b in the map) go south, then right, cross the small bridge and then reach out for the chest. That way you will not only enjoy the game and its story but also will get to find everything you missed the first time when you played it. Ascend another ladder and enter the cave to your north. There you will find a chest containing bronze rod. You will find a small castle immediately to your north. Exit the house and the ghost girl will thank you for freeing the city of the curse. Elinis indra, Rhens Nightmare Flight spell and Lars decompose works wonders. mobile walkthrough. Enter the cave to your north. You have to be fast and walk in the passage when the ball is moving away from you. A powerful deity, Ahriman, has opened the Demon Portal and dark creatures now threaten the great isles. If you have read the climbing guide from your inventory then you can climb the rope to get the cloak of undying loyalty. Other Goodies: Other goodes arent included in the game, but they can be downloaded from the Aveyond website, and you need to replace some game files. Before quitting the place you will see the mushroom creature beside the fairies. Explore the area and you will be assigned a number of quests by the people here. Get the acorn from the chest after you enter this area. Now you got an important instrument-use this shovel to dig up graves as well as dirt piles which look like the one marked in white, to find items. temple in ghedahre Now your next destination is Shadow Wood academy in Veldarah (side quest no.8). This troop gives the max XP in this forest so it is recommended that you fight them if you are planning to level up your party after Elini joins you. You cannot make her wear it unless she captures someones soul. Talk to everyone in the village. Welcome to Halloween hills. Give it to the thief who asked for it and he will say what you wanted to know. Dont fight it; you are not strong enough yet. Anyways walk down one screen and talk to the house mistress Rona. Use this to get +30 levels, 100,000 gold coins, the best armor, the best weapons, all guild books, and the speed crystal. You will find Danny on the dining table! And since monsters are tougher here it is advised that you dont wander around aimlessly. The following area is Ahrimans Castle and is depicted in the map below: Point no. Collect the haunch from the chest. She will ask you to bring back her ruby slippers. Make your way to the sword singer students dormitory inside (talk to one of the roaming students in the garden they will give you the direction). The caves will lead you to other areas. Buy some more stakes so that you can stake some more vampires at Ghedahre! Get out of the mushroom and walk up a little to find a peculiar looking machine. Refer the lowland map to find Oldwoods, we need to go there. Go towards south first. You will reach a small bridge, turn to your left from there and walk until you see a cave passage. Go back to your Rhens house in dads room, talk to dad and watch the conversation. Talk to the old woman, Eldredth. Our community has a wealth of knowledge pertaining to the Aveyond saga, and it's heartwarming to see those resources shared with the world. On talking to the fairies they will heal your party for free. Enter the first chamber, you will have a choice between a bag of silver coins and sun block cream. I personally recommend playing the game first without the walkthrough and after having played it once, replay it using the walkthrough. The old woman sells dragon location spell, we will come back to her later. Get back one screen and trace back your way to the bifurcation. Carry one and exit to the next map. Go to the second floor and you will discover its a Chapel of Love! gameboyman56. Use the Dreamers Tear on the shrine stone and a rainbow bridge will form. There again walk to your east straight, climb up and down two sets of stairs, cross a bridge onto another cave. Talk to him, he will give you something. If you talked to the boar in the wilderness but didnt kill it then go to Veldarah to the necromancer Derez. There is nothing more in this area. At least he still has Fang, his loyal storm wolf. 2.If you want to play the game in full-screen mode, press ALT+ENTER on your keyboard. The chest beside the sun shrine yields a traveling rune to the Aveyond. olivekttn - 11. If you select the climbing guide, go to your inventory and select it to learn the climbing skill. Talk to her and she will join you as a guest (press escape key and you will see her under the friends section at the bottom of the menu). You may be randomly successful to steal the soul, if so then you will see the creatures soul shown in the lower tab of creatures in the game menu: The creatures will remain with you as long as Lars has the cloak equipped. Take up the northern path now and walk along the dirt path until you are transported to the world map. Heal up and save before entering Aesmas cave. Then you can go back to New Witchwood and escort her child with you. Elini's indra, Rhen's Nightmare Flight spell and Lars' decompose works wonders. Take the Hinds harp and exit the cave. Return to Velgerd. Go to your inventory (items) and select the student outfit to wear it. Enter the Wildwoods. At this point talk to Mad Marge of the Sour Ale tavern and she would like to join you for 2000 gold. You can also buy runes for quick traveling. The pink-haired sword singer will teach Rhen new skills in exchange of 2000 gold each in the fighting field. Featuring sections such as Location Questions, World Maps, Goodie Caves, a Mirror Mansion guide, a Spell Guide, a Party members guide, Battle strategies, where to find rest, where to find shops and much, much more! So choose what you want to become of Rhen at the end. Enter it and follow the left route. Talk to him and select of course when you are given options. Instead of entering there, take the right path. In the next area walk along the path and enter a cave to your right. Walk up to the dead end with a chest. She will give you a quest to find sun block cream. Take Eithera in your party and then return to Aveyond (Note: you cant use the runes inside lamp land, you have to walk back to the entry point). The first house from the entrance has a blue chest containing the treasure map (the one we found from the T mark of Blasted Lands). You will also find the other items from the chests scattered over there: 653 gold pennies and 1 beast repellant. Collect the wyrm whip and go to the door you saw. Now return to the entrance of Dreamland and follow the white arrow. Ascend another ladder and you will reach the shrine. Take him to Aveyond and choose your reward-6 diamonds or dizzy doll. Exit and go to one of the other veniara islands. The chest has power acorn. Go down and keep moving east till you see another mule express. You will see a number of fairies fluttering. Keep walking along the road without taking any turns in the cave till you reach this cave exit: Go through the passage marked by the white circle. 2 2 of this map: Follow the arrow direction to the exit, the chests of this area has 700 gold pennies and 750 gold pennies. His time storm spell is very powerful and can wipe out your party. Exit the cave and follow general Binx. Now we need to go to the Ghedahre. I will not mention places which are easy to locate (e.g the palace, any person in the village, etc.). The dizzy doll will inflict madness on a single enemy. Further north the ladder goes down leading to a blue chest. Climb the tree and you will be presented a puzzle, reach the top without getting hit by the bird, or else you will have to start from the base of the tree again. Our walkthrough will give you the tips and tricks needed to defeat the evil Ahriman in no time. But when the moon arises, so does the beast, what am I? Get some cheese and traveling runes to Brumwich from the item shop. The enemies re-spawn here except for the main enemies (to be referred as boss from now onwards), so you can fight them over and over again just by exiting and re-entering the screen and level up your characters. Get 250 gold pennies from it and return to the previous screen. The dirt pile yields another book page (look for it lol). It contains an elixir. Upon my carpet you run and play and slumber away-Green. The alchemist is looking for a magic kettle (side quest no.44). Go to your left first and ascend the ladder into the cave exit onto the next area. Walk to your east till you see another ladder. Go through the cave passage onto a new area. Exit through the door shown in the screenshot: Heal up and save before talking to the old man. Keep walking to your right and on your way get the chest from the area shown below to get 1 cassia leaf: Carry on till you come across a switch on the wall. Follow the arrow direction in the map below to reach Veldt. Always open the chests if you find any, they will yield useful items. You will enter the cave by point 2 in map W. Walk up to the chest in that area to find 2000 gold pennies. There you will find a hut and a troop of enemies whom you can use to level up. Aveyond Studios on Discord Our Discord server has hundreds of active users. Now we can concentrate on our Final hunt down. Keep walking till you reach a door straight down. Walk along the path to the next tower. Buy the cracked orb from the item shop and equip it on Lars staff from the inventory. If he changes his armor, the creature will disappear from your party. Elinis succubus works wonders. Use the soul steal skill from Lars skill set before killing the creature. Follow the previous guide to the Ogres Lair when we were hunting for the first boss. If you didnt learn all the skills for advanced students (both for Lars and Rhen), get it now as by this time you must have reached at least level 15. Here is the skill list that he can learn, so choose wisely. Enter the cave which you find while exploring-it will lead you to two chests-one yielding cassia leaf and the other mandrake. I would personally recommend you to take the sun block cream as it would help a member get recruited in your party, whereas you can only sell off a bag of silver coins. Simply hold down the Ctrl and F keys together, and enter the word or phrase youre looking for into the text box. Enter the cave he takes you to and collect the sleeping dust. If you are new to RPG-style games then you can always go to options to know more about the game controls and moving your character. Go to the shadow wood academy, talk to Harald and he will give you graduation certificate. Refer the map, first we will climb up the ladder near the central oasis to dig the dirt pile (referred as D in the map). Buy witcheye root, traveling rune to witchwood, toad amulets and some spell scrolls from the item shop. The cave in front of the entrance has 320 gold pennies in the chest. Explore this area, you will find a toad and a blue chest. From the world map enter the forest. Starting at the gate, walk up north, Walk to your right near the inn, cross the fences and keep walking to your right till you reach a blue roofed house (old mans house); go north from there and then to your left is the shadow wood academy. If you find them too difficult, use the beast repellant to ward them off for some time. Episode 19Dilemma of Lionel Statue. Rhens siren call is effective. Lets go back to see what is it. Pick it up and keep walking till you land up in another area. You will reach a woodmans cottage. use as Battering Ram get 3 fire stick. Explore the place and talk to everyone. Talk to him about news. We need to find him a wife to get the row boat (side quest no.13). After talking to Talia, get out of the house and talk to Rhens dad. The graves beside the church dont yield anything except one, which opens a passage. Explore the area and talk to everyone. Three generations after Rhen and her party defeated the dark lord Ahriman, and she began ruling in Thais, we focus our attention on Ean, a young elf who lives near the Oldwoods (familiar to Aveyond I fans). Visit Lord Gavins manor and you will be allowed to enter inside. The area has a quail egg and a total of 4 chests containing 150 gold pennies, 1 covey balm, 350 gold pennies and one apple. Enter the first house that youll see. Cross it and head to the eastern direction, through the path between forested trees till you reach another ladder. Now we will resume from where we left off. Enter and you will find three fairies. 15), Agnes Take her child to the gentle children school in Western Isle (side quest no. Ubuntu 10.10 (64 bit) CrossOver Games 10.0.0. Talk to Dameon in the shrine, he will join you if you choose ask for help. Rummage the bookshelf to find bean seeds. Use the bed to heal your party for free. Walk to your right and keep walking till you reach another village-New Witchwood. The treasure room has 5 emerald, two sapphires, one golden armor and a battle axe. So use the spells wisely. Each active party member gains one level for free. The maps are courtesy of the Aveyond community at Amaranth Games and have been used with permission. One of them sell traveling runes to memory caverns. If you cant find how to go there, then from the signpost at lowlands, take the dirt path to your east. Talk to the oracle and get the stronghold key from Eithera. Aveyond 2 is packed with monsters, magic, and humor. Head outside the tea cup town and follow the northern passage to your left. The Elite Mage guild is located here, if youve not already joined the necromancer guild then you can join here. Keep walking to the west past the waterfall and enter another cave that you see towards the north. That is what we are looking for-the cloak of undying loyalty. Now return to veldt. Climb it to find a blue chest. You will find the skudder location on the peninsula map. I'd love to see someone post a walkthrough or faq or something for this game since it's a good game in my book.. 3ds friend code -- magicbay02 - 2380-3309-0613. If you choose the third option then you will find Dameon crying! Fight the toad and get her back to the fairy prince in memory caverns. Aveyond 3-1: Lord of Twilight; Aveyond 3-2: Gates of Night; Aveyond 3-3: The Lost Orb; . The moon temple and ice caverns are also to be found there. Return by one screen and open the chest to find 150 gold pennies. Select the tutorial from the options menu and you will be directed to a folder containing instructions about the game play. Agnes will not give you any reward! Pass through the door. Talk to the woodman and see what happens. The rightmost coffin in the second row reveals a secret passage. I am the founder of Ghedahre, I built these dungeons, what is my first name? Buy some traveling runes and ice amulets. Follow his instructions carefully as he would tell you everything you need to know. You are on the world map again. Cross the bridge and walk straight east into the cave. In the gentle children school, go upstairs and talk to Theodore in the bedroom. Cross the bridge and walk northwards. That leads to the sun shrine. Take Vatas soul and go to Memory Caverns. The east will lead to a dead end. They cast sleep spells so equip proper accessories just in case you face them. In the following area, WALK to your right side first. Take Vata's soul and go to Memory Caverns. Enter the ballroom and talk to Pemberlin. He will join your party. Carry on and exit via the cave exit which you come across at the dead end. Cross the bridge again and walk northwards along that path and enter the cave passage. Now enter the point 8 passage. You can buy pets for your manor at Sedona. The chest in the cave has elixir. Dont go down, take the north-western path and keep moving till you reach a bridge. The white lady roaming around is Indra, kill her to get Daenas soul. Open it to get pomegranate seeds. A few notable features: Recruit minions You will enter at point six of this map: Collect the book page (marked as P) and the other chests before the showdown. The passage to the north will be unlocked. Enter the highlands. Admit Agnes son over there. You will find Rhens level increased by 5 from her previous level. Enter the door beside her and then again through the door thats in front. For the time being you can talk to the fairy prince and the little girl-tiny. Fly to Thais (see the world map) and enter the Blasted Lands. Go to Lands End to Eldredth, the old woman who planted your bean seeds in the enchanted garden. Fight monsters and explore a medieval world in this console-style RPG. Now she will ask you to find her son Lars. You can also check the necromancer spell book to make Lars learn new spell (if he has registered for it). Or else you can give the statue to the militant squirrels in the highlands. From there, go through southwest route where you will find another cave entrance. The skill list and their functions are as follows: The areas in the wilderness are quite easy and I would recommend to explore it in all possible directions. It contains imperial armor. After that click on the lamp beside the queen, the genie will transfer to the fancy lamp. I sleep by day, feast by night, Im allergic to the sun, what am I? Give theodores painting to the art dealer, he will give you the ballroom ticket in return. Take the north eastern route. You are presented another puzzle-the color puzzle. Go through the door in the middle. Talk to lambchop and he will say that he has bought a orb which he cant use and he is ready to sell the treasure map of it for 2500 gold pennies. She will give you a present to be delivered to Hilda. Really worth having! Enter Rhens room and you will find that its size has increased. Open to get 12 wild berries and 520 gold pennies. 17). Head north a bit to find the teacup town. You will get a spell book which Lars needs to learn from as and when he levels up. When you reach a bifurcation, walk to your right. Watch the events and enter the small door to find the sword of shadows. Climb the ladder and head onwards. The Climbing Guide will help you fetch the cloak of undying loyalty, which allows you to steal the souls of monsters (which shows in the creature tab in the lower right of your game menu screen) thus increasing your partys strength. You get another quest (quest no.3). I can walk by day and night. Press it and the barricade blocking another switch will unlock. Enter the place. Return to the druids shrine in Lands End. From the entrance, exit through the door on northwest. It has two flame spells. Upgrade the weapons and armors of your party members. Now go to Clearwater. If you do so then only you will have access to the kings treasure room on the right. The house beside the items shop has a chest containing oak shield. Make sure you board your skudder and return to the western isles. Talk to the queen and give her what the mountain king has asked you to. heal), change character equipments, check who is in your party, choose a party leader or see the character profiles to find out how much experience they need in fighting to achieve the next level. From there go to Tea cup town. You can apply this skill during fights and see which creatures can be enslaved with the cloak of undying loyalty. Type: PDF. 1. Episode 17 Getting the key for Manor in Sedona. Have a question for Aveyond? There are three rats in total. Exit the cave; here the troop of four monsters provides the maximum xp (7500) in this area so you can fight them to level up. We need to fetch the cloak of undying loyalty if youve chosen the climbing guide when you rescued the last druid. Take him to Ghedahre. Take it and go to the ice caverns. Be ready to face your next boss-Tawrich. The chest in this area has a salmon. Now its time to explore new horizons. If he changes his armor, the creature will disappear from your party. Cross the bridge and keep walking till you reach a ladder. 2/24/2008. GOD-This is the goody of all goodies. Teijals final embrace skill works well. Lets complete the queens quest before we go for our main quest. See what happens. See what happens. Open it to pick up 300 gold pennies and get down the ladder. Exit the tavern and follow the southern route. : Follow the arrow direction. He will also give you something. She will ask you to bring an elixir. Make Rhen sleep on her small bed in dads room. Access the red demon spell from your inventory to make Elini learn it. Talk to Dannys mother-Liana, she will trigger a quest (side quest no.27). Go to the Memory Caverns in Aveyond and capture any one fairy in the empty bottle you have. The chests here yield nightmare bow, an elixir, a power acorn and a salmon. Rhen wakes up in her room. Either you can give the statue to the elves in Oldwood which would help you complete three quests (return of the king, uncursing the city of Ejindro and bringing a ghost to haunt the vampress house at ghedahre). Sword of Silence - In the Icy Caves, Northern Isle. You can also come back later to learn them instead of learning them now. Fight the banshee queen and after that you will see that she dropped something. See what he has to say. Walk to your south and youll reach another cave after sometime. Return to clear water- Rhen will marry Danny and live a peaceful and happy life at Clearwater. Mystery Manor: here rooms lead to other rooms. 2. You will get the reward only on one condition-you have to let someone join your party. 2 leads to an area containing a red chest (Dark sword), walk along the arrow direction to reach the next room. Levels-Use this goodie to give all active party members a 30 level increase. Climb it and you will find another set of stairs and a cave beside it. Go all the way north from Rhens dads house and locate the herbalist in the last house of the topmost part of the village. Aveyond is packed with more than 60 quests, hundreds of places to explore, and over 30 hours of game play. Size: 3.4MB. There are many caves here, one leading to the other. Talk to the man and watch the event. when you've finished the quest the bottle will be in the shop. From there walk up to the spot marked as L in the map. It contains a black hide whip. Sword of Might - Southern isle, Demon caves, in a chest Sword of Dreams - The dreamworld, head west after entering, its in a chest in a cave. First grab the two chests on the east to find 900 gold pennies and the belt of hippolyte. He will give you a world map. Make your way to the blue circle marked on the map. It contains 1 covey balm. Since Rhen doesnt have a high level thats why it is recommended that you avoid the enemies in the wilderness (except for the solitary spiders may be which are easy to fight) or else you will get killed easily. The priestess is captured there. From there head south till you come across a signpost. First we need to go to the Dream castle. Since we dont have a pick lock we need not go there now. If you have the elven statue of Lionel from the pirates market then put it on the throne, quest complete.

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